1-888-892-5401 This is a Toll FREE Number or email Insurance@AITAonline.com | 1-877-500-7779 This is a Toll FREE Number or email Insurance@AITAonline.com | 1-877-414-4474 This is a Toll FREE Number or email Insurance@AITAonline.com |
Organization Click for Link | ||
America's Independent Truckers' Association, Inc. | 601-924-9606 | 601-924-9613 |
National Association of Small Trucking Companies | 800-264-8580 | 615-451-0041 |
American Trucking Association, Inc. | 703-838-1700 | 703-684-5751 |
National Association of Independent Truckers, Inc. | 800-821-8014 | 816-891-0000 |
Owner-Operated Independent Drivers Association | 816-229-5791 | |
Southern Loggers' Co-Operative | 318-641-8081 | 318-641-8082 |
Truckinfo.net | 724-349-3224 | |
Truckflix.com | 417-472-6970 | 417-472-3477 |
State Forestry Associations | ||
State Loggers Associations | ||
Independent Trucker Information | ||
Truckinginfo.com | 949-261-1636 | 949-261-2904 |
Alabama Trucking Association, Inc. | 334-834-3983 | 334-262-6504 |
Alaska Trucking Association, Inc. | 907-276-1149 | 907-274-1946 |
Arizona Trucking Association | 602-252-7559 | 602-253-1848 |
Arkansas Motor Transport Association, Inc. | 501-372-3462 | 501-376-1810 |
California Trucking Association, Inc. | 916-373-3500 | 916-371-7558 |
Colorado Motor Carriers Association, Inc. | 303-433-3375 | 303-477-6977 |
Motor Transport Association of Connecticut, Inc. | 860-520-4455 | 860-520-4567 |
Delaware Motor Transport Association, Inc. | 302-672-7763 | 302-698-1305 |
District of Columbia Motor Transport Association | 202-543-5149 | |
Florida Trucking Association, Inc. | 850-222-9900 | 850-222-9363 |
Georgia Motor Trucking Association, Inc. | 404-876-4313 | 404-874-9765 |
Hawaii Transportation Association, Inc. | 808-833-6628 | 808-833-8486 |
Idaho Motor Transport Association, Inc. | 208-342-3521 | 208-343-8397 |
Illinois Transportation Association, Inc. | 630-654-0884 | |
Indiana Motor Truck Association, Inc. | 317-630-4682 | 317-638-5380 |
Iowa Motor Truck Association, Inc. | 515-244-5193 | 512-244-2204 |
Kansas Motor Carriers Association, Inc. | 913-267-1641 | 785-266-6551 |
Kentucky Motor Transport Association, Inc. | 502-695-4055 | 502-695-9026 |
Louisiana Motor Transport Association, Inc. | 225-928-5682 | 225-928-0500 |
Maine Motor Transport Association, Inc. | 207-623-4128 | 207-623-4096 |
Maryland Motor Truck Association, Inc. | 410-644-4600 | 410-644-2537 |
Massachusetts Motor Transport Association, Inc. | 617-270-6880 | 781-229-0458 |
Michigan Trucking Association, Inc. | 517-393-2053 | 517-321-0884 |
Minnesota Trucking Association, Inc. | 612-641-7351 | 651-641-8995 |
Mississippi Trucking Association, Inc. | 601-354-0616 | 601-354-4371 |
Missouri Motor Carriers Association, Inc. | 314-634-3388 | 573-634-4197 |
Montana Motor Carriers Association, Inc. | 406-442-6600 | N/A |
Nebraska Motor Carriers Association, Inc. | 402-476-8504 | 402-476-0579 |
Nevada Motor Transport Association, Inc. | 702-331-6884 | 775-673-1700 |
New Hampshire Motor Transport Association, Inc. | 603-224-7337 | 603-225-9361 |
New Jersey Motor Truck Association, Inc. | 908-254-5000 | 732-613-1745 |
New Mexico Trucking Association, Inc. | 505-884-5575 | 505-884-3661 |
New York State Motor Truck Association | 518-464-5065 | 518-464-5069 |
North Carolina Trucking Association, Inc. | 919-834-0387 | 919-832-0390 |
North Dakota Motor Carriers Association, Inc. | 701-223-2700 | 701-223-4324 |
Ohio Trucking Association, Inc. | 614-221-5375 | 614-221-3717 |
Oklahoma Associated Motor Carriers | 405-843-9488 | 405-843-7310 |
Oregon Trucking Association | 503-289-6888 | 503-513-0008 |
Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association | 717-761-7122 | 717-761-8434 |
Rhode Island Trucking Association, Inc. | 401-438-0410 | 401-729-5220 |
South Carolina Trucking Association, Inc. | 803-799-4306 | 803-254-7148 |
South Dakota Trucking Association | 605-334-8871 | 605-334-1938 |
Tennessee Trucking Association, Inc. | 615-255-0558 | 615-777-2024 |
Texas Motor Transport Association, Inc. | 512-478-2541 | 512-474-6494 |
Utah Motor Transport Association | 801-973-9370 | 801-973-8515 |
Vermont Truck and Bus Association, Inc. | 802-479-1778 | 802-479-1395 |
Virginia Trucking Association, Inc. | 804-355-5371 | 804-358-1374 |
Washington Trucking Association | 206-838-1650 | 253-838-1715 |
West Virginia Motor Association, Inc. | 304-345-2800 | 304-345-0308 |
Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association | 608-833-8200 | 608-833-2875 |
Wyoming Motor Carriers Association, Inc. | 307-234-1579 | 307-234-7082 |